That particular end sem jury was a moderate level jury for me and I came out with a smile and a sense of peace that filled me that my 2nd yr is over, when I was called in again. I freaked out and went in again.
When I went in I came to know, I was called only by one of thejury members only to enquire about this particular photo which was a part of my Photography subject submissions. He had actually completely impressed by this shot.
I had taken this few weekss bef. the jury when my dear seniors where playing TT in the 2nd floor. 2nd floor being top most one, with a dome like construction that allows sun light in, the place looks heavenly at late evenings. I went there for something else when Ramu Cheta and Richard Macha (He hates it when I particularly call him that ways!!!), where playing TT. The light was heavenly and I just didn't want to miss it!!! And here is what I got!!!
nice snap. first i thought u wrote something about TT. only after reading i understoon
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