Wedding Bells for an Angel

Some of my readers may remember my Angel. The Angel who is a great gift to me by God. I dedicated a blog post for her last birthday. And in that I wrote that she would get married in 6 to 7 months.

Now my gift is gonna be owned by someone else. I’m sure someone is goddamn lucky! Yup, my prediction of 6 to 7 months got a bit more extended and now exactly after 1 yr, after she celebrated her next birthday, this weekend is her wedding. I’m overwhelmed. I am really, really happy.

Join me in wishing her a great married life.

And even though she’ll kill me for this, lemme wish her to become a mother of an equally beautiful and cute baby soon.

God bless you Chitu. Nandu, you’re really lucky!!!

The TT Take

It was the 2nd year in college. Just at the last ever day of the 4th sem. I appeared for the jury (Yeah! There are no end semester exams for us, but just juries). These juries are like interviews. These juries depend on luck. Either too frustating with some students coming out after an hour of jury and yelling "Bull S###" or "WTF"!!! Or its pretty cool for some who come out in 15 mins with a broad smile.
That particular end sem jury was a moderate level jury for me and I came out with a smile and a sense of peace that filled me that my 2nd yr is over, when I was called in again. I freaked out and went in again.
When I went in I came to know, I was called only by one of thejury members only to enquire about this particular photo which was a part of my Photography subject submissions. He had actually completely impressed by this shot.

I had taken this few weekss bef. the jury when my dear seniors where playing TT in the 2nd floor. 2nd floor being top most one, with a dome like construction that allows sun light in, the place looks heavenly at late evenings. I went there for something else when Ramu Cheta and Richard Macha (He hates it when I particularly call him that ways!!!), where playing TT. The light was heavenly and I just didn't want to miss it!!! And here is what I got!!!


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